Tribelisk at the Allison Inn & Spa's 2nd Annual Outdoor Sculpture Invitational in Newberg, OR
Tribelisk at the Allison Inn & Spa's 2nd Annual Outdoor Sculpture Invitational in Newberg, OR - scroll to bottom of page to begin fabrication process
Less than two hours after initial application of patina solution
First application of patina solution
Back from the sandblaster, washed and ready for patina
Fitting rolled plinth skirt panels between the uprights
Completed base plinth
Base plinth rings expanded to provided a 9" height to plinth
Fitting up rolled rings for the base plinth - you can never have too many vice-grip clamps
Ovoid banding welded up and sanded out
Ovoid banding almost complete
Ovoid banding cut to scribe and tack welded into position
Hand-formed 16 gauge ovoid bands clamped into place for scribing
Back bands tacked into place with top bands cut and clamped into position for tack welding
Banding all the upright element edges
Upright elements on base plate for attachment machining
Partial weld-up of upright element
All clamped up and ready for tack welding
Assembling first upright element
Third iteration study maquette at 3" = 1-0" with modified base plinth
Scribing pattern onto steel prior to flame-cutting
Building tapered blocking needed to fabricate upright elements
Full-scale pattern template of upright profile
Second iteration study maquette at 3" = 1'-0" with ovoid cutouts more representative of form line work found in NW Coastal Native art
Working out the terminal geometry of the uprights
Evolving upright cutouts from circular to ovoid segments
Upright geometries scaled up to 3" = 1'-0"
First iteration study maquette at 1" = 1'-0"
Building study maquette
Initial thumbnail sketches
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